
H.Essers is an international and reliable player in the logistics sector, but above all a family business that has offered jobs and job security since 1928. Our 6560 colleagues are ambitious people who dare to do business, are ready to seize opportunities and make a difference every day with simplicity. This enables us as a company to invest continuously in growth with a positive outlook on the future. Our people are our engine. We take care of their personal and professional development, provide them with modern equipment and pay attention to the work-life balance. Yes, our 6560 colleagues know why they choose H.Essers.

Oficiul principal
str. Mihai Viteazul 3, Business Centru Unity Tower
  • Transport, logistica, activitatea economica externa
Numarul angajaților
Team buildinguri
Ceai, cafea, apa
Pranz achitat
Posibilitatea de a lucra de acasa
Crestere profesionala
8 Mai 2024, Chișinău
Trimite CV
8 Mai 2024, Chișinău
Trimite CV
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